Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ashley & Jeff ~ Engagement Session

I met up with Ashley & Jeff yesterday at Lake Metigoshe for their Engagement Session.

Ashley and I both woke up Saturday thankful that it wasn't raining. I think we all would have liked a little sunshine instead of the cold wind but we made it work! We found some cool spots where we were sheltered from the wind and we were able to capture some great shots.

Here are a few of my favorites so far!

It was great to finally meet you guys! I can't wait to capture your wedding in June!!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Meet TYRA!

On my way home from the lake last night I stopped to capture some Senior Portraits for Tyra. I had met Tyra a few years ago at her brothers senior session and I work with her mom so I was excited to get to work with her again.

We moved around the area a lot and made a few clothing changes along the way but she was a real trooper! She gave me the look a couple of times when I said just one more here and then we will move on, especially when the new location had the odd spider web!!!

Here are some of my favorites so far Tyra, I hope you like them!

Tyra brought her family along for some new family shots too, here is a sneak peak at a couple of her family!

It was entertaining as always working with you guys!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Curtis & Kay ~ 6.25.2011

Congratulations to..............

We had the privilege of capturing a wedding this weekend that was pretty special to us. We often refer to this groom as "the little brother we never had"!! We have known Curtis since he was a little boy and we have spent a lot of time with him and his family over the years. When they got engaged and Kay asked us if we would be their photographers, we were thrilled.
Even though we were worried about the weather & the possible road closures, everything was perfect and they had a beautiful day.
I quickly took a look and here are some of my favorites so far!

Thanks again for allowing us to be a part of your special day Curtis & Kay!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Looks who's One ~ Brenner!!!

Wow, where has the time gone. It has been a busy 6 months although looking at my blog you wouldn't think so but life has been keeping me busy!
Anyways, enough about me...look who's ONE...Brenner!!!!! Brenner brought his mom, dad and big sister in on Saturday for his one year session. We started at the park and then went indoors so he could have his cake & eat it too!!!
I can't believe how much he has grown. It has been a lot of fun watching him grow & change from a newborn baby!!!
Here are some of my favorites so far.

Thanks for coming in guys, hopefully I will get the honor of photographing Mr. Brenner again!!!