Thanks for letting me take your pictures guys!

Recently Pottery Barn Kids has been hosting a monthly baby contest where clients submit their baby photos to enter. This is a great opportunity to get your childrens gorgeous face out there!!
One thing I wanted to point out with this type of contest is the Official rules. Most contests like these have a clause that states that any photo you submit will become the property of that company. They might also have a clause similar to this contest which says that "By submitting your baby's photo, you irrevocably assign and transfer to Pottery Barn Kids, Inc. and affiliates and their respective successors and assigns, in perpetuity, any and all rights, title and interest in and to the photo you submit in connection with your entry in the contest and give Pottery Barn Kids, Inc. the world-wide right to publish, display, copy, distribute, transmit, and otherwise exploit the photo and to edit and modify the photo to make it suitable for use and publication."
This is an example where professional photographer's copyrights must be respected and contracts followed. When you receive prints from me or any professional photographer, typically that means you receive a limited copyright where you are able to use your purchased prints and digital files for personal use or as gifts to family and friends. This does not cover submission into contests where the photo gets turned over to the company or for any type of compensation or publication.
Some photographers have a commercial or product side to their business where they charge for this type of service to companies like Pottery Barn Kids, and in this case Pottery Barn Kids would be receiving images of your child free for use in their campaigns. Please help support your photographer's way of life, and do not enter professional photos into these contests.
I do encourage everyone to enter their baby's faces into this monthly contest!! I only ask that you please respect our contract when you do, and instead use photos that you've taken on your own. The contest can be found here: