Monday, September 22, 2008


We started tonight's senior session at the golf course. Brandon's mom & I got our work out walking with Brandon to his favorite spot on the course for some images! I just took a quick look and here are a few of my favorites from our session tonight.

Thanks for giving me a tour of the course Brandon.

Hopefully see you next week for some indoor studio stuff!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ian & Brenna

You might remember Brenna from a long time ago on the blog but Ian is new to Angela K Photography!

Brenna loves getting her picture taken, she loves to smile. Ian just lost his front two teeth about a week ago so he was being a little silly when it came time for him to smile!

Thanks for stopping over guys!

Monday, September 8, 2008


I am not sure if any of you remember me posting about Lillie a while ago and then updating saying that we had raised enough money to send Lillie & her family to the ocean.

Well friends it is with a sad heart that I tell all of you that Lillie has passed away. She got her wings on September 3rd. I just read about her passing so I wanted to come back to the blog & make sure to pass on the news in case any of you great people out there sent a donation to her ocean cause.

If you want to read more on Lillie & her journey her caringbridge page can be found here.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Jenelle stopped by to get some headshots because she is a new realtor in town! She is an agent for RE/MAX Signature Properties in Minot.

Thanks for stopping by Jenelle!

First day of Pre School

Well today was the day that we sent our babies to Pre school. I know they aren't babies, they are 3 1/2 years old but it was kind of a hard day, thinking that they are old enough to go to school. Anyways, they both popped out of bed this morning when I woke them up. They were very excited to go to school. They went to daycare this morning just so they could get an idea for how their school days would go. Kelly & picked them up at noon and took them to school.

They wanted to be the ones to hang their coats & back packs up on the hooks! They found their name tags & were off to play. Kelly and stood outside the door and watched threw the crack in the door to make sure they were ok! They were fine, us on the other hand, we didn't cry but well any of you parents who took your babies/baby to their first day of school will understand!

We picked them back up and they were so excited! They had a great time at school. They learned some new songs & Mikkail said she told her teacher she was going to come back next week!

Before they left this morning we had to get the first day of school snaps so here are Zachary & Mikkail on their first day of school!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I’ve been tagged!

And you thought grown ups didn’t play tag?!!

I have been tagged by my good friend Louisa Larson (thanks Louisa). The rules are as follows:


1. Link the person who tagged you

2. Mention the rules on your blog

3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours

4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them & leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they have been tagged.

Wow is it a little early to be telling secrets about myself but here goes!!!!

  1. I’m Canadian (not quirky at all)
  2. I had to get my license 3 times! I got it when I was 15 1/2, then when I moved from MB to NV I had to do the written & driving parts again because I was coming from a different country. And then when I moved from NV to ND I had to do the written part again because of the different state laws!!!
  3. I hate folding socks!
  4. I keep a stash of candy in my desk at work for those times when I need a sugar fix!
  5. I can touch my nose with my tongue (some might see this as gross rather than quirky but my kids find it entertaining)
  6. I love listening to Conway Twitty & Loretta Lynn!! Their music brings back great childhood memories of driving with my family on a family vacation!

OK. Now to tag some fellow bloggers.

Heidi Smith

Jodi Fugleberg

Nelly Steele

Amy McMurray

Alana McClure

Tisha Mccuiston

Monday, September 1, 2008


I got to spend some of my Labor day today with Lauren & her mom & dad. Now Lauren is two so she was busy! She has such a cute little face & she said some of the funniest things! She fell off her little pony, got up and said "awesome"!!! By the time we were done she had definetly had enough of me so she gave me a hug and sent me on my way!

Thanks for having me over today Lauren & mom & dad too!