Saturday, March 21, 2009


Cody came in today for his senior session. He is a guy of few words (or at least around me he was!) but he has a great smile and we got some GREAT images of him. He brought his bow & his gun along for some shots and we even braved the cold wind to go outside.

Thanks for coming in today Cody.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Stu & Kiernan TAKE TWO!

Since Stu wasn't feeling well the day of their wedding we decided redo their bridals so they could have images that truely reflect their love for one another. Stu rented a tux and Kiernan put her beautiful dress back on Saturday for take two of the bridal images.

Now I knew Stu was feeling a lot better as soon as I saw him walk into the church. He was joking and laughing and you could truely see how much fun these two have when they are together.