Well please help me welcome to the world....Brenner!!!!!
You met Brenner's mommy & daddy a month ago when I posted their maternity session and from here on out the sessions are all about Brenner!
This little guy is 7 days old and let me just say he is HANDSOME! And even though he is only 7 days old, he knows what he likes & doesn't like...he knew he didn't like me trying to put him on his tummy on his daddy's arm and there was no convincing him otherwise!
Brenner was more awake than any 7 day old baby I know, he just didn't want to miss a thing. But as usual, his mommy knew what would do the trick and worked her magic on him...I don't know if it was the baby massage on his forehead that did him in or what but he finally fell asleep.
Here are a few of my favorites so far!

See you guys soon!